Whaaahh! - what a great opening it was, on Sunday the 3rd.
I must admit i was quite nervous. I feared about the circular moving floor around the rods pool, i thought it would never make it, when we would pass more than 20 avatars on the sim.
Then came Eupalinos with his large Wurlitzer organ as avatar (becoming soon even a donkey). These things must weight more than 800 pounds!
I had to correct the floor prim twice, on-the-fly, i hope no-one saw that :)


" Es-tu allé à Fukushima ? "


3 JULY 2011 - NOON SLT
Erato of Caerleon

I had a dream a few weeks ago.

Like everyone, i was deeply touched by the events in Japan, and in my dream i met a strange guy, a kind of scientist, who was able to neutralize the radioactivity by transforming the energy into music. That is what this build is about.

On the foundation of an old reactor, the music is reversing the disaster and nature seems to grow again.

The big test will happen on the 3rd of July, some 40 avatars will be invited and are going to test the location.

All the instruments presented are driven at random, and you, avatars, can largely interact with them, adding some factors to their behaviors.

The real radioactivity in the city of Yokohama (JP) plays an important role by determining the speed of the white atoms circulating around the building, as well as the rhythm of the well at the center of the edifice. The measurement can be read on the board that hangs at the opposite of the entrance.
The building has tested well for radiations of below the 0.25 microsieverts. Nobody actually knows what would happen to the sim if the radiation drastically augments.

The instruments:
"Les Cornes du Fin Fond" (Horns of Beyond) [Odyssee prize in April at UWA]
Inspired by the name of a Fungi named 'Trompettes des Morts' in French. They should be able to talk to dear ones that are gone.

"Horde de Cordes" (Host of Cords) [Second Prize of May at UWA]
Cellos are my favourite instruments and this object remains my favourite too.

"Pentatonic Automata" [Shown at the Schöffer Tower at Benvolio]
Quite an evolution when i found that the pentatonic scale was interesting to use with my random music script.

Outside the building (right of the entrance) on the little lake, you will find my "CylindreThailandais" which is the beginning of a new line of work including music.

To be continued...


* note on the title:
In the dialogues of Marguerite Duras screenplay, 'Hiroshima, mon amour' you could hear:
- Have you ever been to Hiroshima?
ALEA (allé à) means RANDOMNESS but also PROBLEMS in French.

listen to ColeMarie

Musique Automatique

May 2011
Hi there ! - I am still working on New Caerleon giving the final touch to my musical environment. It consists of different sets of virtual instruments which produce sounds in an autonomous way.
First the instruments are scripted to produce complex movements with semi-repetitive algorithms. Then collisions trigger different sounds; mainly unique notes that are well scaled.
Only two samples of four notes are used in the whole presentation, the rest is tuned in pentatonic.
All instruments are interactive. The avatar, passing by, is able to modify the performing music by touching with his body, or crossing through the prims.
The choirs and the central element are rhythm by an external element: the atmospheric radiation in the city of Yokohama near Tokyo, Japan.

This is a first step to a promising study on the metaverse.
I will exhibit this work as soon as i am able to find a sim with lot of free resources.
Keep following !

Artée râle...

Pas encore de possibilité d'importer des maillages (meshes) sur SL ?
Qu'à cela ne tienne, je le ferai triangle par triangle.
Hum celui-ci fait déjà à peu près 200 unités (prims) et n'est pas assez grand. J'ai calculé, il me faudrait au moins 800 cubes à transformer. Et puis comme c'est le moment de râler, j'en profite: Pourquoi une précision si faible pour la modification 'Shear' ? Un zéro supplémentaire après la virgule rendrait les choses plus commodes.
Hier lors de l'événement Art Breaker à POP ART LAB, Miso Susanowa soulignait l'absence de MIDI sur SL. Je la rejoins au club des râleurs: Nous voulons MIDI sur SL !


Today i finished my build that should be presented on SL for:
'GOGBOT' a RL evenement from 9 to 12 September in Enschede (NL)
psssst! Bryn and Glyph are also showing there :) don't tell anyone yet !